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May 28, 2020
A hose is very helpful to have when it comes to washing your car. It makes things flow much easier (pun intended). However, not everyone has access to a hose. Fortunately, there are ways that you can wash your car without a hose.

The best methods of washing your car without a hose are to use a waterless wash or a rinse-less wash. You can find these kinds of products online. All you need are some microfiber towels, waterless wash or rinseless wash, and a bucket of water.

It doesn’t really matter which ones you pick. Choose one, use it, and then try another one if you didn’t like it.

When You Don’t Have A Hose

When I first started Detailing I didn’t have access to a hose. I was living in a basement apartment at the time, not to mention it was in the dead of winter. You might find yourself without a hose if:

  • You live in an apartment or condo complex.
  • You find yourself away from home and your car needs a wash.
  • Your water is shut off due to cold weather winter.

Waterless wash And Rinseless Wash

At first glance a waterless wash and a rinseless wash might sound the same but they are different.

A rinseless wash you mix in a bucket with water and you wash the car with that solution. With a waterless wash however, you don’t need any water. You just spray it directly onto your car and you wipe it off.

This is a waterless wash from chemical guys. It is very easy to use.

Pros: You only need two things, the waterless wash and microfiber towles.

Cons: You will go through many MF towels if you do the whole car. So this is best for cleaning up small areas like bird poop on your hood.

Using a waterless wash is very easy. All you have to do is take your spray bottle, and spray your car. I recommend spraying about half a panel. Then you have to take your microfiber towel foled in fourths and wipe in one direction across.

You can see all the dirt that one pass picked up. You definitely don’t want to reintroduce this back into your paint.

It’s important to roll the towel as you wipe off the waterless wash. That way you avoid spreading any dirt back into your vehicle’s paint. After the first wipe, you need to turn to a clean side of your towel and repeat the process, turning to a clean side of the towel with each wipe.

You may find it neccesary to go over each pass again to make sure it is fully dried. otherwise you risk leaving waterspots on the vehicle.

Now it may seem obvious, but the downside of this method is that you’re going to go through a lot of microfiber towels. This method is best for cleaning up small areas, for example bird poop on your hood.

How To Do A Rinseless Wash

For a rinselss wash you need:

  • A rinseless wash solution.
  • A 5 gallon bucket.
  • A Grit Guard.
  • Water.
  • A wash mitt
  • A drying towel.
This is a grit guard. It prevents the dirt from mixing with your solution.


Put the appropriate amount of solution in your bucket and fill it with water. You should be able to fill your bucket up in a sink or a bathtub. Many detailers use this type of rinseless wash on most of their details. If you do have a hose you can use that and make it even easier. But you’ll be just fine without one. Don’t forget to use your grit guard. Take your bucket out to your car and put your wash mitt in the bucket.


Begin washing the car with your wash mitt. You are going to want to work about one panel at a time. After you finish each panel put the wash mitt back into the bucket and rub it against the grit guard to get all of the dirt out. You will need to do this each time to avoid cross-contaminating any dirt that is lifted from the vehicle.

You can see here how much dirt a simple pass will pick up.

Normally this process involves washing and drying interchangeably.

Drying The Vehicle

After each panel you will have to grab your drying towel and dry the section that you just completed. It is important to not wash too big an area at a time. . Otherwise, it will begin to dry and you will be left with waterspots.

If it is hot and sunny outside then you will need to do even smaller passes to avoid water spots. It is very difficult to wash your car out in the afternoon. Try to shoot for the morning or evening.

It goes without saying but make sure you’re using a dry side of your drying towel. It’s difficult to dry your car with a wet towel.

Double check your work when you are done. Make sure you didn’t miss any spots. If you do find some spots you can either get them with your rinseless wash or you can just grab your waterless wash bottle and take care of them.

Applying Protection

Once you have your car looking nice and clean you should apply some sort of protection. Protection leaves your car with a nice shine. It prevents dirt and other debry from sticking to your vehicle. It by no means means you never have to wash your car off but it will help it stay cleaner and depending on the product and condtions will last for a few months.

This is my car when I only waxed one side of it. You can clearly see that the side with wax has much less dirt and dust on it.

There are a few different kinds of protection. There are waxes, sealants, and coatings.

A wax is going to be your easiest option. You can pick up a wax at your local auto store. You don’t need a polisher and it is very easier to do by hand.

A traditional carnauba wax comes from trees in brazil.

To apply the carnauba wax yo uare going to want a microfiber applicator block. Put a few drops of your carnauba wax on your applicator block and apply it to your vehicle in a up down, side to side motion. This ensures that you get proper coverage.

Apply the wax to the whole vehicle. Let it sit for about 10-15 minutes or as directed on the product. Then wipe off the haze with a microfiber towel to reveal your new shine.

Tips For Success

  • Make sure to keep your towels and wash mitts clean. If you drop them on the ground you will have to wash them before using them again. Avoid cross-contamination.
  • Wash out of direct sunlight. Water spots can be very frustrating.
  • If you want to be extra clean you can use a second bucket. One for your car wash solution and a second bucket with just water for rinsing.


Do I need a wash mitt?

While a wash mitt is preferred, you don’t need one. You can also use a microfiber towel. Avoid using kitchen towels or sponges as they will leave streaks and can damage the paint.

How long does it take to wash your car by hand?

You can take as long as you want but the washing and drying portion normally takes about 15 minutes with another 10-15 minutes for wax application.

Video Version

July 1, 2020
If you are anything like me you might hope that an upcoming rain storm will clean your car only to be dissapointed that your car looks much worse after. What’s going on? shouldn’t a shower of water wash away the dirt? Well, not exactly. There are several reasons why rain will leave your car looking worse than before. The rain will pick up the dirt but it will eventually leave the same dirt on your car. It will only move it around. Most of the time rain doesn’t have the force to remove the dirt from the vehicle. And lastly, if you don’t dry the water off your are subject to water and dirt spots. Let’s look at each of these reasons a little closer.
June 8, 2020
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June 2, 2020
We all prefer having a clean car to a dirty one but that doesn’t stop life from happening. It’s too easy to let trash and other things pile up. However, there are some real benefits to keeping your car clean.
May 30, 2020
When I was younger I often wanted to wash the family car but I was always a little hesitant. I didn’t know if the water we had would be good or bad for the car. Looking back I can’t help but smile. Not only is soft water perfectly fine but soft water is actually better to wash your car with. Using soft water will help minimize any water spots drying onto your vehicle.
May 27, 2020
If you have a car that has defroster wires in the back you’ve probably wondered how to clean that window without damaging the wires. Fortunately, with a little bit of cautiousness and common sense you can get that window nice and clean. Here are a few tips and tricks that I’ve learned first hand to get that window clean without causing any unnecessary damage.
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